[ICPSR Announcements] 2010 General Social Survey - Supplement Opportunities

List for people who wish to receive ICPSR announcements icpsr-announce at icpsr.umich.edu
Thu Jul 10 13:51:06 EDT 2008

As frequent users of the General Social Survey, ICPSR thought you might
be interested in the following opportunities regarding the 2010 survey:



For the 2010 General Social Survey (GSS) funds are expected from the
National Science Foundation (NSF) to support added supplements.
Proposals for topics  for these NSF-funded modules are solicited from
the social science community. The program is described at


Call for Proposals to Add Questions to the 2010 GSS
98/CallforProposalstoAddQuestionstothe2010GSS.pdf> ." 



Please note the submission deadline of October 1, 2009.


In addition, the GSS expects to have space available on the survey for
modules not funded by NSF. Those who want to fund a paid supplement on
the 2010 GSS should consult the document at 


"Guidelines for Paid Supplements to the GSS
97/GuidelinesforPaidSupplementstotheGSS.pdf> ."



If you have any questions about either program, please contact Tom W.
Smith, GSS Director, smitht at norc.uchicago.edu



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