[Eurobarometer] We are hiring!

DEBU Sandra (TOULOUSE) Sandra.DEBU at banque-france.fr
Thu Sep 19 09:17:10 EDT 2024

Dear Dr Heizmann,

Could you please remove my address for this mailing list?
I no longer need information regarding Eurobarometer surveys.

Kind regards,


De : eurobarometer-bounces at icpsr.umich.edu <eurobarometer-bounces at icpsr.umich.edu> De la part de Heizmann, Boris
Envoyé : jeudi 19 septembre 2024 13:33
À : eurobarometer at icpsr.umich.edu
Objet : [Eurobarometer] We are hiring!

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En cas de doute : ne répondez pas, ne cliquez pas et signalez le message (via le Hérisson...)

Dear list members,
we are looking for one pre- and one postdoctoral researcher for the project "Eurobarometer Modular Cumulation (EBMC)" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Pre-doc position, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Cologne, department Survey Data Curation
75% TVL-13 for three years, starting February 2025:

Post-doc position, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Cologne, department Survey Data Curation
100% TVL-13 for three years, starting February 2025:

Examining the temporal dynamics of public opinion is a foundational task in comparative research across the social and political sciences, creating a need for cumulative trend data. To address this, the project will generate cumulated and harmonized data from the Eurobarometer survey series. It will follow a modular approach by creating a base module and two topical modules “European Integration” and “Climate Change”. A further objective is the design and implementation of a streamlined update framework that will continue after the project has ended formally. This includes both a) updates of existing modules (i.e. when new relevant data are released) and b) the addition of new, externally-generated modules covering new topics, which is made easier by laying the groundwork with the aforementioned modular approach. The project also will demonstrate the usefulness of the cumulations by pursuing research in the fields of the two topical modules. This is done in cooperation with several eminent researchers from the respective areas of inquiry.

With kind regards
GESIS Eurobarometer Data Service
eurobarometer-dataservice@<UrlBlockedError.aspx>gesis.<UrlBlockedError.aspx>org <UrlBlockedError.aspx>

Dr. Boris Heizmann

Eurobarometer Data Service

Dept. Survey Data Curation
Team International Studies

[cid:image002.png at 01DB0AA6.FD3046D0]

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8 | 50667 Köln

+49 (0) 221 47694 486

boris.heizmann at gesis.org<mailto:boris.heizmann at gesis.org>

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