[Eurobarometer] European Parliament COVID-19 Surveys and Update of Special Eurobarometer 92.1 released

Heizmann, Boris Boris.Heizmann at gesis.org
Thu Apr 1 05:31:42 EDT 2021

Dear list members:
Please note the following archive micro data releases and an update:

European Parliament COVID-19 Surveys

Although these surveys are not Eurobarometer surveys in the strict sense, the European Parliament Public Opinion Monitoring Unit kindly shared the raw data and materials with the GESIS Eurobarometer Data Service in order to provide user access to these microdata. The issues covered focus on an assessment of public measures against the pandemic and on the impact the pandemic has on various aspects of the personal lives of the respondents.

Carried out by Kantar Public Brussels on behalf of Kantar Belgium, on request of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (Directorate-General Communication, Public Opinion Monitoring Unit).

European Parliament COVID-19 Survey Round 1 (ZA7736, April-May 2020)
Archive release v1.0.0
Coverage: 21 EU countries (excluding LT, EE, LV, CY, MT and LU)

European Parliament COVID-19 Survey Round 2 (ZA7737, July 2020)
Archive release v1.0.0
Coverage: EU 27

European Parliament COVID-19 Survey Round 3 (ZA7738, September-October 2020)
Archive release v1.0.0
Coverage: EU 27

Eurobarometer 92.1 (ZA7579 September 2019)
Special Eurobarometer
Archive pre-release (embargo update), v3.0.0

Carried out by Kantar Public (BRUSSELS), coordinated by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General Communication (COMM.A.3.: Media monitoring and Eurobarometer), between September 11 and September 29, 2019.
*             EMBARGO LIFTED: Module on Mobility and Transport (QA) released

With kind regards
GESIS Eurobarometer Data Service
eurobarometer-dataservice at gesis.org<mailto:eurobarometer-dataservice at gesis.org>

Dr. Boris Heizmann
Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Cologne

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