[Eurobarometer] 1st release of Eurobarometer 84.2: EU CUSTOMS (QB) and COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY (QC)

Moschner, Meinhard Meinhard.Moschner at gesis.org
Wed Mar 30 05:37:06 EDT 2016

Dear list members,
please notice the first micro data archive pre-release for:

EUROBAROMETER 84.2 (Standard Eurobarometer)

Carried out by TNS opinion (BRUSSELS), on request of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General Communication (COMM.A.1.: Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer), between October 17 and October 26, 2015.

Archive pre-release, data set version 1.0.0 as of March 30, 2016

http://dx.doi.org/10.4232/1.12486 (click for access to data and documentation via the GESIS data catalogue)

- Awareness and perceptions of Europeans about EU customs (QB1 to QB4)
                - Europeans, Agriculture and the Common Agricultural Policy (QC1 to QC17)

On request of the European Commission the topical module QA on E-COMMUNICATIONS is temporarily still under embargo. The corresponding variables are dropped from the pre-release dataset as currently distributed by the archive.

For technical reasons in the context of a general GESIS web redesign, the Eurobarometer data service webpages and news are currently not administered. The information that you find there may not always be up to date.

Sorry for any inconvenience and with kind regards
GESIS Eurobarometer Data Service

Meinhard Moschner
Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Cologne
Tel: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 460

eurobarometer-dataservice at gesis.org<mailto:eurobarometer-dataservice at gesis.org> <NEW>


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