[Eurobarometer] EB 76.4 UPDATED

Moschner, Meinhard Meinhard.Moschner at gesis.org
Fri Feb 20 10:11:35 EST 2015

Dear list members,
a new dataset version has been published for:
Eurobarometer 76.4 (12/2011)
Standard Eurobarometer
Archive edition, v3.0.0
The update is mainly relevant for the topical module QC on E-Communication in the household:
GERMAN data for variables qc5, qc8, qc9, qc11, qc12, qc14, qc15 and qc16 proved to be erroneous in the original dataset (first TNS delivery) and in former archive releases (dataset versions v1.00 and v2.0.0). The same was true for weighting variables w69 and w70. Correct data have now been provided by TNS and the archive edition dataset been updated accordingly. Furthermore the following weighting variables have now been added: w84a WEIGHT NON-EURO ZONE 17 - EU NMS 12 (formerly not available) and w64 WEIGHT NON-EURO ZONE 17 - EU NMS 12 - HH (formerly corrupted).
With kind regards
Meinhard Moschner

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Dept. Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Cologne

Tel: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 460
Fax: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 199

meinhard.moschner at gesis.org<mailto:meinhard.moschner at gesis.org>

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