[Eurobarometer] Standard EB 79.3 released

Moschner, Meinhard Meinhard.Moschner at gesis.org
Thu Nov 21 04:53:21 EST 2013

Dear list members,
we are pleased to announce the first archive pre-release of:

Standard Eurobarometer 79 (survey 79.3)

GESIS Study Number: ZA5689
ICPSR Study Number: [not yet assigned]

Carried out by TNS OPINION (Brussels), on request of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION (COMM.A.2 ´Research and Speechwriting´), between May 10 and May 26, 2013.

Archive pre-release, data set version 1.0.0 (2013-11-21)

All standard question modules have been released:

    Standard  EU and trend questions (QA1 to QA26)
    The Europe 2020 strategy (QB1-QB3)
    The financial and economic crisis (QC1-QC6)
    European citizenship (QD1 to QD11)

Online primary data access via GESIS data catalogue:

DBK-Download<http://info1.gesis.org/dbksearch19/Docs.asp?no=5689> (ZACAT publication forthcoming).

The official reports are available at the European Commission's Eurobarometer website:


With best regards
Meinhard Moschner

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Dept. Data Archive for the Social Sciences (DAS)

Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
D-50667 Cologne

Tel: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 460
Fax: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 199

meinhard.moschner at gesis.org<mailto:meinhard.moschner at gesis.org>
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