[Eurobarometer] ALL EMBARGOS LIFTED: EB 66.3 and 67.1

Meinhard Moschner meinhard.moschner at gesis.org
Wed Oct 28 05:55:35 EDT 2009

Dear list members,
we are pleased to announce the following EUROBAROMETER releases:

GESIS Study Number ZA4528
ICPSR Study Number 21523

Eurobarometer 66.3:
Social Reality, E-Communications, Common Agricultural Policy, 
Discrimination and the Media, and Medical Research
November-December 2006

Carried out by TNS OPINION & SOCIAL and managed by EOS GALLUP EUROPE 
(BRUSSELS), on request of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate General 
Press and Communication, Public Opinion, between November 17 and 
December 19, 2006.

Coverage: 27 EU member countries plus Turkey, Croatia and Turkish 
Cypriot Community (TCC).

Special Topics:

    * European Social Reality  publication
    * E-Communications in the Household 
    * European Labels - EMBARGO LIFTED
    * European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 
    * Discrimination and the Media - EMBARGO LIFTED
    * Science and research: biological and medical research

GESIS Study Number: ZA4529
ICPSR Study Number: 21522

Carried out by TNS OPINION & SOCIAL (BRUSSELS) on request of the 
European Commission, Directorate General Press and Communication, Public 
Opinion, between February 14 and March 18, 2007.

Coverage: 27 EU member countries plus Croatia.

Special Topics:

    * Cultural values in Europe 
    * Poverty and social exclusion
    * Attitudes towards development aid 
    * Residential mobility - EMBARGO LIFTED   

For more information please see:

Online access via ZACAT (both data bases will be updated in the course 
of this week!):

The official special reports are available through the Commission's website:

If you would like to order the data, please contact GESIS:
OR your home data archive:

With kind regards
Meinhard Moschner

GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Meinhard Moschner

Bachemer Str. 40
50931 Cologne

Tel: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 21
Fax: +49 - 221 - 476 94 - 44

meinhard.moschner at gesis.org


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