[Eurobarometer] FW: 08092A Decision Letter

Meinhard Moschner meinhard.moschner at gesis.org
Fri Jun 6 03:16:42 EDT 2008

Dear Mr. Legge,
a general description of the sampling procedure in the case of 
Eurobarometer 64.3 is attached to the corresponding basic questionnaire 
that we distribute, for the whole series it has been summarized on our 
The fieldwork institutes are tracking effective contacts, number of 
refusals and stopped/interrupted interviews, completed interviews 
(should be about 1000) and they calculate response rates by country 
accordingly. Unfortunately the results are not published by the European 
Commission, except the number of realised interviews. To my experience 
this does no means imply, that response rates would on average be worse 
than for comparable surveys in the respective countries. Eurobarometer 
are conducted by prestigious institutes which compete with others also 
regarding data quality. Nevertheless, I completely understand and by 
principle even support the position of your journal editor. You might 
want to contact the European Commission's Eurobarometer unit in regard 
Sorry for not being in a position to give you a more satisfying answer
With kind regards
Meinhard Moschner        

Central Archive for Empirical Social Research 
Meinhard Moschner 
meinhard.moschner at gesis.org
Tel. ++49 +221 47694 21
Fax. ++49 +221 47694 44
For more information on EUROBAROMETER please see:

Jerry Legge schrieb:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Legge [mailto:jlegge at uga.edu] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 12:36 PM
> To: 'moschner at za-uni-koef.de'
> Subject: FW: 08092A Decision Letter
> Dear Herr Moschner, I am utilizing the Eurobarometer survey 64.3 and have
> conducted an analysis of attitudes on tobacco use in the below countries. As
> you can see, a journal editor is interested in the paper but wants
> clarification on the number of people who were interviewed and how many
> refused to be interviewed. My assumption is that the interviewers just keep
> interviewing on a random basis until they reach the required number of case
> (frequently 1000) and the refusals drop by the wayside. But does anyone keep
> records on how many refusals exist per country? In order to satisfy the
> editor, I would have to provide information on those who refused to be
> interviewed in each of the five countries in my analysis. Are you able to
> direct me as to where data on refusals may be or to someone else I could
> speak with? Thank you very much in advance for your help. Jerry Legge
> Jerome S. Legge, Jr.
> Associate Dean
> School of Public and International Affairs
> University of Georgia
> 206 Candler Hall
> Athens, Georgia 30602
> (706) 542-2941
> FAX (706) 583-0095
> -----Original Message-----
> From: journals at ejpress.com [mailto:journals at ejpress.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 9:46 PM
> To: jlegge at uga.edu
> Subject: 08092A Decision Letter
> Subject=08092A Please Resubmit - Decision Letter 
> "Health Policy and Public Support: Explaining Indoor Smoking Bans in
> Bulgaria,Croatia,Northern Cyprus, Romania, and Turkey" 
> Dear Dr. Legge, Jr., 
> We appreciate the opportunity to consider your manuscript. We have read it
> and would like to send it on to external peer reviewers if you are willing
> and able to address the issues we note below. 
> Please provide more information about the survey. How many people were
> surveyed in each jurisdiction and what was the response rate? Without this
> basic information, it seems unlikely that any of our reviewers will
> recommend publication. 
> In uploading your revised manuscript, please tell us how you have changed it
> in response to the editors' comments. 
> Thank you for your submission to the Journal of Public Health Policy. We
> look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. Please follow the link
> below to upload your revised manuscript: 
> <http://jphp.msubmit.net/cgi-bin/main.plex?el=A7BG5Qx1A4BHO1I1A9c1S9OPpq7ESu
> CSP7ElQeQZ> 
> Sincerely, 
> Anthony Robbins, MD, MPA & Phyllis Freeman, JD 
> Co-Editor 
> Editorial Office 
> 213 West Canton Street 
> Boston, MA 02116 
> 617 536 5190 
> jphp at umb.edu 
> http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jphp/ 

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