Meinhard Moschner moschner at za.uni-koeln.de
Tue Nov 26 03:25:49 EST 2002

Dear list members,  

please notice the following error in the Eurobarometer Trend file 
(ICPSR 3384 / ZA 3521):

During the data processing at the archives the three weighting variables have 
unfortunatly not been formatted correctly. The weights obviously produce 
erroneous data: between 76 and 90 cases for the whole file! (Did nobody 
notice that so far?)  This is supposed to be true for all data sets distributed by 
ICPSR and for ZA distributions as of May 2002 and later. Please check your 
data set anyway.  

The correct data set will immediately be made available via FTP. Detailed 
announcement will follow through this list. 

I am very sorry for this complication. 

With best regards
Meinhard Moschner               

 Zentralarchiv fuer Empirische Sozialforschung
 Meinhard Moschner
 Bachemer Str. 40
 D-50931 Koeln  

 Tel.:  (++49)-(0)221-47694-21                              
 Fax.:  (++49)-(0)221-47694-44                          
 e-mail: moschner at za.uni-koeln.de
 URL:    http://www.gesis.org/
 Eurobarometer information: 

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