[EB] stop the spam please

April Brayfield aprilb at tulane.edu
Wed Mar 6 09:01:22 EST 2002

To the administrator of the Eurobarometer list,
Please take action to prevent further spams, especially pornographic spams, 
from being distributed through this list.  Over the past several weeks, I 
have received many EB messages in unreadable code.  NOw that I have updated 
some software, I see that these messages are spams, with the most recent 
one being pornographic.  Most listserve software prevents outsiders (people 
who are not subscribed to the list) from posting to the list.  If these 
messages are coming from a list member, then please remove the subscriber.
April Brayfield

Director of Graduate Studies in Sociology
Director of the First-Year Writing Seminars
Tulane University, Department of Sociology
220 Newcomb Hall
New Orleans, LA 70118 USA

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