[EB] stark

Heiko Gothe heiko.gothe at hqde.infrabrk.com
Wed May 6 04:57:39 EDT 1998


> I am interested in thoughts on German elections and the future of the
> Euro, if without Germaany (ala Schroder). Also, what are national polls
> saying?
> 	J. Michael Schmitt
> Indiana University - Indianapolis

please look also at:

The DeutschlandTREND ist the monthly published survey of the ARD.
You can read and download it from our website (in German language).

Best regards,

Heiko Gothe
Heiko Gothe                   | Infratest dimap Berlin
eMail:                        | Politik- und Wahlforschung   
heiko.gothe at hqde.infrabrk.com | Moosdorfstr. 7-9
Tel. +49.30.53322-116         | 12435 Berlin
Fax  +49.30.53322-122         | http://www.infratest-dimap.de

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