[EB] List trouble
Manfred Kuechler
mkuechle at shiva.hunter.cuny.edu
Tue Dec 16 09:47:51 EST 1997
Apparently, the folks at Michigan have a problem with running this list.
Bounced messages (as the one from Marburg, Germany) are common, but a
competent list administrator keeps those from being distributed to everyone
on the list. Now, the software used to run this list (majordomo) is a
freebie and does not offer all the conveniences of the latest versions of
LISTSERV or LISTPROC. But, I think a place like Michigan should be able to
afford up-to-date software and/or a competent list administrator.
Now, it also does not help if people send their cancellation desires to
everyone on the list, no effect and just additional clutter. Here is what
one should do to get of this list:
>If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
>send the following command in email to
>"eurobarometer-request at icpsr.umich.edu":
> unsubscribe
Thanks everyone
Manfred Kuechler
Sociology Department at Hunter College (CUNY)
695 Park Avenue, NY, NY 10021
Tel: 212-772-5588
Fax: as above, then select "3" from voice mail menu (***NEW*** as of 7/21/97)
WWW: http://social54.hunter.cuny.edu/ (experimental as of 8/6/97) OR
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