[EB] A [non-EB] question....

Eric Tanenbaum tanenb at solb1.essex.ac.uk
Tue Mar 11 09:29:08 EST 1997

Someone has asked me the following question which I couldn't answer. 
Although this isn't a Eurobarometer, I wondered if someone on the list 
knew what process was  used.

"The EU survey of consumer sentiment is reported in "The European Economy
 Supplement B: Business and Consumer Survey Results" (published by
 the Commission Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs). 

 Unfortunately, the Directorate General decided to begin seasonally
 adjusting the published results in mid 1993 but don't describe the methods
 used to determine the (deflator/inflators)."


Eric Tanenbaum
Dept of Government
University of Essex
Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ
(Phone: [UK] 01206-872506 or 01206-872502
        [Int'l] 44-1206-872506 or 44-1206-872502)

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