Martha Peach
peach at mail.march.es
Thu Feb 6 12:36:37 EST 1997
Dear Lennart,
Just read that it was probably not a mistake, so thank you.
At 09:11 6/02/97 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear Dr Alaminos,
>There is one way for you to find a partial answer to your question. If
>you look at the following webaddress:
>you will find the conventional right-left coding of some of the dutch
>political parties, those represented in their parliament. It goes like
>this - from left to right.
> Netherlands
> 14. <SP> Socialistische Partij
> [Socialist Party]
> 17. Groen Links
> [Green Left]
> 20. <PvdA> Partij van de Arbeid
> [Labour Party]
> 22. <D'66> Democraten 66
> [Democrats '66]
> 52. <U55+> Unie 55+
> [Union 55+]
> 53. <AOV> Algemeen Ouderen Verbond
> [General Association of Elderly People]
> 57. <CD> Centrum Democraten
> [Centre Democrats]
> 63. <CDA> Christen Democratisch Appel
> [Christian Democratic Appeal]
> 70. <VVD> Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
> [Liberal Party]
> 81. <SGP> Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
> [Political Reformed Party]
> 82. <GPV> Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond
> [Reformed Political Union]
> 84. <RPF> Reformatorische Politieke
> Federatie
> [Reformed Political Federation]
>This is from the Eurobarometer 43.1 spring 1995. Unfortunately this
>variable still is under embargo. What you can do is to turn to
>Zentralarchiev, Cologne or to ICPSR and ask for an earlier issue of the
>same Eurobarometer, the latest one where all embargoes are lifted. You
>can through that dataset find out the latest known EMPIRICAL positions
>based on sampled individual voters. In addition to this list of
>political parties in Holland there is a question about right-left
>position 1-10 in these barometers so you will have a possibility to
>calculate an arithmetic mean for each group of voters.
>Library Director Martha Peach at Instituto Juan March de estudios e
>investigaciones Castello 77, 28006 Madrid is Official representative
>for a Spanish national membership of ICPSR . She can probably also help
>you further in this case.
>Best regards
>/Lennart Brantgarde, FD
>Swedish Social Science Data Service
>Tel. int.: +46 31 773 12 10 Tel. nat.: 031-773 12 10
>Fax int.: +46 31 773 49 13 Fax nat.: 031-773 49 13
>Mail: SSD, Pilgatan 19, S-411 22 Goteborg, Sweden
>Email: Lennart.Brantgarde at ssd.gu.se
>gopher.ssd.gu.se 70
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