Meinhard Moschner moschner at moschner.za.uni-koeln.de
Sun Feb 4 14:26:32 EST 1996


Please find enclosed the most recent upgrade of Eurobarometer embargo
provisions dated from February 3, 1996. At the request of the original
investigators responses to the following questions are suppressed:

EUROBAROMETER 41.0 (April-May 1994)

       Q.6  to Q.15               Poject "X"
       Q.44 to Q.47               Cross border purchase and customs experience
       Q.48 to Q.57               ECU (European currency)
       Q.58 to Q.62               European consumers and product quality
       D.4 and D.5                Party preference and voting intention

       (Expected date of expiry of all embargoes: 21 September 1996) (1)

EUROBAROMETER 41.1 (June-July 1994)

       Q.21 to Q.24               The image of Germany in Europe
       Q.12 to Q.14, Q.19, Q.20, Q.25, Q.31, Q.33 to Q.39, Q.42, Q.43,
       D.2B, D.5A                 Citizenship, Legitimacy and participation
                                  in the European Union
       Q.32, Q.44 to Q.50, D.1A, D.3A/B/C, D.5B
                                  European Elections Study 1994
       Q.54, Q.55                 Social Movements
       Q.1 to Q.6 (Denmark)       Attitudes on Denmark and the EU
       Q.15, D.4 and D.5          Party preference and voting intention
       P.1 to P.12                Protocol variables

       (Expected date of expiry of all embargoes: 19 July 1996) (1)

EUROBAROMETER 42 (November-December 1994)

       Q.41                       Nutrition and the risk of getting cancer
       Q.84 to Q.98 (France)      Les boissons au gout de cola
       D4 and D5                  Party preference and voting intention

       (Expected date of expiry of all embargoes: 17 February 1997) (1)


EUROBAROMETER 43.0 (March-April 1995) 

       Q.1 TO Q.6                 Standard Eurobarometer selected trend
                                  and new variables
       Q.7 TO Q.11                Cross border purchasing
       Q.12 TO Q.37               Smoking and tabacco consumption
       Q.38                       Public health (general)
       Q.39 to Q.47               Europe against cancer

       (Expected date of expiry of all embargoes: 14 November 1997) (1)

EUROBAROMETER 43.1 (April-May 1995) 

       Q.1 TO Q.13, Q17 to Q.28, Q.34 to Q.36
                                  Standard Eurobarometer selected trend
                                  and new variables
       Q.13 TO Q.16, Q29 to Q.33  Informdness on Europe
       Q.37 TO Q.41               European Parliament
       Q.50 TO Q.55               Awareness of GATT
       Q.56 TO Q.63               Protection against radiation
       D4 and D5                  Party preference and voting intention

       (Expected date of expiry of all embargoes: 14 November 1997) (1)

EUROBAROMETER 43.0 + 43.1 (March-May 1995) 

       Q.48 to Q.59 (43.0) and Q.64 to Q.75 (43.1)
                                  Drug abuse (youth subsamle)
       Q.60 to Q.68 (43.0) and Q.76 TO Q.84 (43.1)
                                  AIDS (youth subsample)

       (Expected date of expiry of all embargoes: 14 November 1997) (1)

EUROBAROMETER 43.1bis (May-June 1995) 

       Q.1 TO Q.5                 Standard Eurobarometer selected trend
       Q.6 TO Q.14                Cross border purchases
       Q.15 TO Q.32               Protection of the environment
       Q.33 TO Q.45               Regional identity and development
       Q.46 TO Q.54               Agricultural policy in the EU

       (Expected date of expiry of all embargoes: 14 November 1997) (1)

EUROBAROMETER 44.0 (October-November 1995)

       (Expected date of expiry of all embargoes: 29 January 1998) (1)

(1) exceptions can be demanded by the European Commission

The standard EUROBAROMETER questions asked on behalf of European Commission
DGX-SRU are free for secondary analysis when the full official EUROBAROMETER
REPORT is published. The embargoes on questions from additional studies
included in the surveys are generally lifted with the publication of the
respective special report. In general all embargoes will be released two
years after data have been supplied to the involved archives.


GESIS                       ZA           EUROBAROMETER
Meinhard Moschner           2/96         MOSCHNER at IBM.ZA.UNI-KOELN.DE


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