[EB] New Democracies Barometer

Peter Granda peterg at icpsr.umich.edu
Fri Jan 26 09:23:52 EST 1996

At 11:09 PM 1/25/96 -0600, you wrote:
>	I'm a graduate student looking for resources concerning the 
>process of democratic consolidation in East-Central Europe.  So far I 
>have been able to get, through ICPSR, the East and Central Eurobarometers 
>1 through 4 and the World Values Survey.  I am looking for other data sets.
>I have read two articles by Mishler and Rose that use a data set they 
>call the New Democracies Barometer Survey provided by the Paul Lazarsfeld 
>Society, Vienna (for example their most recent article in the January 1996 
>CPS).  I have not seen it in the ICPSR on-line catalog. Does anyone know of 
>this data set and its possible availability or unavailability?  Does anyone
>have any other suggestions?
>	James A. Norris
>	Texas Tech University
>	Lubbock, Texas 79409-1015
>	(806) 742-0167  
>	z3d12 at ttacs.ttu.edu

Let me also add to the extremely helpful suggestion of Peter Schubert that
Central and Eastern Eurobarometer 5 is now available from ICPSR (Study 6656)
of course, also from the Zentralarchiv, and most likely from other archives
as well.  Does Peter or anyone else know if the New Democracies Barometer Survey
has been deposited in a data archive as yet or is somehow accessible to

Peter Granda, ICPSR

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