[DDI-users] DDI 3.2: optional xml:lang attribute in StringType

Jani Hautamäki Jani.Hautamaki at staff.uta.fi
Tue Dec 9 17:16:50 EST 2014

In DDI-Lifecycle 3.2 all elements which are instances of


must have one or more <r:String> elements.
The field-level specification for InternationalStringType


states that

"Allows for non-formatted strings that may be translations
from other languages, or that may be translatable into
other languages. Only one string per language/location type
is allowed. String contains the following attributes,
xml:lang to designate the language, [...]"

However, the XML Schema for DDI-Lifecycle 3.2 allows
the elements of r:InternationalStringType to have multiple <r:String>
children without any xml:lang attributes designating language/country/etc.

For instance, the following XML document is VALID
with respect to DDI-Lifecycle 3.2 XML Schema,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



        <!-- Use of @xml:lang is optional -->
        <r:String>voisi olla suomeksi</r:String>
        <r:String>could be in english too</r:String>


In the document above, the <r:Title> has two <r:String> elements,
both in different language, but without any xml:lang attributes,
sinsce the XML Schema does not require it.

My question is then:

Is it a bug in the XML Schema of r:InternationalStringType
that it allows instances of <r:String> without xml:lang attribute?

If not, which language/country should be assumed for such an element?
Futhermore, when there are two or more <r:String> elements
without the xml:lang attribute, which one of them should be used?

It is possible to force xml:lang attribute for r:StringType.
However, in my opinion, it might be more desirable to simply

use attribute "lang"  instead "xml:lang" for that purpose...

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