[DDI-users] DDI 3.0 xsd question

Alerk Amin a.amin at uvt.nl
Thu Feb 5 10:10:45 EST 2009


   I have a question about a DDI 3.0 document that I am trying to 
validate.  I hope this is the right mailing list for this question: if 
it is not, please let me know where I should mail this question.
   The following snippet of XML validates properly, but it seems to me 
like it should not:


   Based on the documentation of the ReferenceType in reusable.xsd, the 
Reference should have a URN, an ID, or both.  2 IDs (or 2 URNs) should 
not be allowed.
   In reusable.xsd, the schema for the ReferenceType contains:

       <xs:choice maxOccurs="2">
         <xs:element ref="URN">
           <xs:element ref="ID">

In order to validate the way the documentation describes, it seems like 
the scheme should instead contain:

         <xs:element ref="URN">
         <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
           <xs:element ref="ID">
           <xs:element ref="ID">
         <xs:element ref="URN" minOccurs="0">

I would appreciate any help or explanation anyone can provide about 
this.  If my interpretation of the ReferenceType is incorrect, please 
let me know.
   Thank you for your help.


Alerk Amin
Senior Software Developer
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