[DDI-users] DDI v2-1: elements TXT and CONCEPT

Fredy Kuhn fredy.kuhn at sidos.unine.ch
Thu Jul 12 03:59:51 EDT 2007

Hi all,

I have a problem with the usage of sub element pairs 'txt' - 'concept' in DDI 2-1:

The web pages 'Tree Structure' (*) and 'Whole Library' (**) display in DDI section 2 several of these pairs; example: <dataKind>

In schema 2-1, and according to Sourceforge history (***), these sub-elements were removed from study description elements, see revision 1.4:

--- QUOTE ---

The <txt> - <concept> pair illegally appears under <nation>, <geogCover>, <geogUnit>, <anlyUnit>, <universe>, <dataKind>, <timeMeth>, <sampProc>, <collMode>, <resInstru> in Study Desc., also under <universe> 4.1.5 ... ...

!!!----- <txt> and <concept> are VALID FIELDS under <varGrp> (4.1.2 and 4.1.3) and nCubeGrp (4.2.2 and 4.2.3) --------- !!!

--- QUOTE END ---

Thus, the TXT and CONCEPT tags are valid in DTD2.1, but not in schema2-1. Should we use them or not?

Further more, by removing the sub-element <concept> from e.g. <datakind> or <sampProc>, how to markup the usage of a controlled vocabulary?

(*) Tree structure:

(**) Whole library:

(***) Sourceforge DTD v2.1 (see revision 1.4):

BTW: Looking at DDI-3, I'm asking me how elements for which we use a controlled vocabulary (CV), e.g. 'data collection mode', should be marked up, i.e. how to specify the CV. Could one of the 'experts' give me a hint? I'm not yet too familiar with DDI-3.

Best regards

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