[DDI-users] DDI Infos

ddi-users@icpsr.umich.edu ddi-users@icpsr.umich.edu
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 12:20:55 -0400

Dear Mary & Matthew
It was great to meet with you this week-end during the DDI conference.  Below
information on a few things we talked about.
Could you send the list of participants with email addresses so I can get in
touch with other members?
When we have the workgroups ready, I'll post some of this material on the board.
More later :-)

Virtual offices / Online collaboration
HyperOffice is my favorite. It seems that they have a new release and may be
worth checking.
At 4.95/user/month this one looks like the ideal solution for the type of
activities we plane to have.

Other options:
http://www.onproject.com/ ($10/user/mon+$500 setup fee) (not sure they have
voting available)
http://www.eroom.net 9expensive)

See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_software

I'll email you more infos on RoboHelp and a sample DDi documentation file very
soon (I think you'll like it :-).

Are we currently active member of OASIS? If not, is this something we could look
into? Non-profit organization annauel fee is $1000.
Being a Contributor would allow us to use the mailing list to announce DDI news
and events which will also be posted on the XML.org web site. We can also use
their site to host our technical committee (like Social Science).
See http://www.oasis-open.org/join/ for infos

Information on Wiki software: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiWiki
and the best example: www.wikipedia.com
They also have an nice page on collaborative software at (in addition to links

I currently use TWiki:

This is the web page for CSPro software developed by the Census Bureau

Pascal Heus
Africa Household Survey Databank
MSN J8-811
Operational Quality and Knowledge Services (AFTQK)
The World Bank, Africa Region
Phone 1-202-473-3773 Fax  1-202-477-2977
EMail pheus@worldbank.org
Web http://www.worldbank.org/afr/poverty