[DDI-users] Funding agency and grant number

Sigbjorn Revheim Sigbjorn.Revheim@nsd.uib.no
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 20:18:49 +0200

In the DDI, information about funding agency and grant number are separated 
into two elements. I don't understand why this is done, don't they belong 
together? You can't have a grant number without a funding agency giving you 
the grant, or can you? The current way handling of funding agencies and 
grant numbers is done in the DDI, makes it more awkward than it has to be 
to have multiple funding agencies and grant numbers.
So therefore I suggest to change the DDI DTD to combine the <fundAg> and 
<grantNo> elements into one:

<!ELEMENT fundAg (#PCDATA|%a.phrase;)*>
<!ATTLIST fundAg
     abbr CDATA #IMPLIED
     grantNo CDATA #IMPLIED
     role CDATA #IMPLIED>

<fundAg abbr='NSF' grantNo="SBR-9617813" role="infrastructure">National 
Science Foundation</fundAg>

Opinions anyone?
